BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology) and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) are two internationally recognised certification systems for assessing and rating the performance of the built environment. These certifications have become increasingly popular in the construction industry as property owners and developers seek to build and operate sustainable and environmentally friendly buildings.
In this context, environmental consultancy services for BREEAM and LEED certification play an essential role. They ensure that all buildings assessed are designed, built and operated in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and the specific objectives of each certification scheme. A BREEAM and LEED certification highlights the commitment to sustainable and sustainable building practices, providing significant benefits to building owners and users.
BREEAM certification
The BREEAM assessment is an integral part of obtaining a building sustainability certificate. The scheme comprises assessments that evaluate new or existing building projects based on their performance against sustainability standards. It assesses several categories such as energy and water consumption, material selection, waste management and pollution control - all designed to reduce the environmental impact of buildings.
By assessing all these aspects, a BREEAM certification promotes quality of life for occupants and environmental protection. Environmental consultants specialising in BREEAM certification can help owners and developers navigate through the complex assessment process and implement appropriate strategies to achieve certification.
Any BREEAM-certified green building confirms that it has been designed and built to achieve high standards of sustainability and environmental performance. Through their expertise, consultants ensure compliance with BREEAM standards and help maximise the score achieved for certification.
LEED Certification
A LEED certification works in a similar way, but instead focuses more on resource efficiency through three main categories: location and transportation, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources. The LEED certification system takes into account both the environmental impact of building a sustainable building and the energy consumption during its operation.
Environmental consultants specialising in LEED certification offer advice and guidance to help owners and developers achieve the desired certification. They analyse the project and offer practical solutions for meeting certification criteria, as well as improving energy performance, waste management and reducing environmental impact. So you can get a LEED certificate in the most efficient way!
Our services:
AUDITECO offers a full range of services in accordance with the BREEAM International New Construction 2013 certification standard for both the design and post-construction phases. We specialise in the following BREEAM categories:
Sanatate si Bunastare (Health & Wellbeing)
Hea 05a – Performanta acustica (Acoustic Performance)
Hea 07 – Hazarduri naturale (Hazards)
Tra 01 – Accesibilitatea la transportul public (Public transport accessibility)
Tra 02 – Apropierea de facilitati (Proximity to amenities)
Wst 01 – Managementul deseurilor de constructie (Construction waste management)
Land use and ecology
LE 01 – Selectarea amplasamentului (Site selection)
LE 02 – Valoarea ecologica a amplasamentului (Ecological value of the site)
LE 04 – Cresterea ecologiei amplasamentului (Enhancing site ecology)
LE 05 – Impactul pe termen lung asupra biodiversitatii (Long term impact in biodiversity)
Pol 03 – Scurgerea apei de suprafata (Surface water run-off)
Pol 05 – Atenuarea zgomotului (Noise attenuation)
A BREEAM building certification, as well as a LEED certification, improves the quality of life in our cities by promoting the reduction of energy consumption and the use of buildings in environmentally friendly ways with lower carbon footprints. They also increase property values, reduce operating costs and contribute to healthier working environments for occupants.
Environmental consultancy helps to make these plans work, to meet challenges such as how to reduce water use, energy consumption or waste production in a cost-effective way. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that all aspects of the design meet the criteria of the relevant certification schemes - which can only be achieved by experienced specialists who understand the certification system and its requirements.
At AUDITECO, we have a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals who can provide expert advice on both a BREEAM and LEED assessment. Our team has over 27 years' experience in carrying out building audits, providing bespoke energy efficiency strategies for each project, and ensuring that all aspects of design meet the relevant standards set by the certification scheme.
In other words, BREEAM and LEED certified buildings contribute to reducing energy consumption, protecting the environment and improving the quality of life for occupants, paving the way for a more sustainable future.
We understand that every project is different, so our approach is always tailored to meet individual needs. We pride ourselves on providing sustainable solutions that will help you achieve a BREEAM or LEED rating with minimal effort and cost - helping you achieve your sustainability goals without wasting your budget.
To learn more about how we can help you achieve your sustainability goals, contact us today! Our team is available to discuss how we can support your project in achieving BREEAM or LEED certification and to give you advice on reducing water use, energy consumption or waste production in a safe and efficient way.
Discover the benefits of a environmental audit in the BREEAM and LEED certification process and how it can improve the environmental performance of your projects.