During complex decontamination projects, AUDITECO can ensure the compliance of remedial works with the applicable legal requirements and the compliance of the general contractor with the specifications of the technical decontamination project. Our experience covers a wide range of contaminants and working environments. AUDITECO experts can evaluate the nature and extent of contamination, assess the risks posed by contaminants to receptors and the levels of receptor exposure to sources of contamination and can also prepare remediation plans that address any issues caused by various contaminants.
Our considerable expertise indicates that an accurate investigation of soil and groundwater is an essential factor in planning subsequent works on a project. An investigation which identifies potential sources of contamination, main receptors and how these sources impact potential receptors is of utmost importance.
Supervision of Remediation at AUDITECO
AUDITECO can develop specific risk assessment studies, followed by the development of a Solution Study and Remedial Design. The Solution Study and Remedial Design is based on previously collected field data and provides a balanced combination of financial and technical aspects, while presenting site specific advantages and disadvantages. For this purpose, we use the most modern and innovative methods of exploration and investigation, both in the field and in the evaluation of collected data.
AUDITECO adopts site specific approaches to site remediation and redevelopment works, such as: phased work schedules, optimized costs and technologies and so forth. We integrate key elements of project remediation with future site development plans and we apply innovative thinking to achieve reasonable risk levels for the future land use, be it sensitive or less sensitive. Risks must be reduced to an acceptable safe level for human and ecological receptors.
Execution of Remediation Services
AUDITECO offers the following services during the execution of remedial works:
- Supervision of decontamination works by ensuring the compliance of the general contractor with the technical decontamination project and the quality of any specific decontamination works carried out on site;
- Recovery of soil and groundwater samples, proper labelling and storage and transport of samples to an authorised laboratory for physical and chemical analyses;
- Onsite technical assistance for solving punctual issues which may appear during decontamination works;
- Preparation of progress reports;
- Visit of landfills where contaminated soil is transported and stored (if needed);
- Development of a final site report which assesses site compliance with applicable legal thresholds for intended site use, after the completion of decontamination works.
Our approach to remediation projects can save our clients significant time and financial resources. Because of our considerable expertise with various contaminated sites across the country, we can interpret and integrate field data in an efficient manner. Tangible experience with applicable solutions and approaches, rapid problem-solving skills and flexibility are key elements we provide to our clients to ensure successful completion of even the most challenging projects. With the right experts, any contaminated property can be transformed into a productive asset within acceptable timeframes and overheads.