The Safety Report is a technical documentation that is developed specifically for industrial companies that use dangerous chemicals as defined in the applicable legislation on the control of activities that may generate major industrial accidents involving dangerous substances.
This report must be developed observing the legal requirements in force (Government Decision no. 804/2007). An industrial company that is subject to the SEVESO III Directive is obliged to submit a Safety Report to the competent EPA in order to prove it has identified potential hazards of major accidents and has taken all necessary measures to prevent such accidents and mitigate their consequences.
Apart from the Safety Report, AUDITECO can also offer its clients consulting services for the development of major accident prevention policies and of the internal emergency plans, function of the complexity of target company’s operations.
According to the provisions of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 195/2005 on environmental protection, approved with its modifications and completions by Law no. 265/2006, with its ulterior modifications and completions and to the provisions of Ministry Order no. 1026/2009 on the conditions related to the development of environmental reports, environmental impact assessments, environmental site assessments, site reports, SEVESO safety reports and biodiversity studies, AUDITECO is registered in the National Environmental Auditors’ Registry under no. 274, being certified to develop every type of environmental study required by the Romanian legislation.