
Environmental Report

The environmental report is a part of the documentation of plans or programmes which identifies, describes and assesses the likely significant effects on the environment as a result of their implementation and is carried out as part of the full environmental assessment procedure, which aims to obtain environmental consent for plans and programmes.

Environmental Impact Report

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report is the documentation produced as part of the environmental consent procedure for public or private projects.

Appropriate Assessment

Any plan or project that could significantly affect a protected natural area, alone or in combination with other plans or projects, shall be subject to an appropriate assessment (EA) of the potential effects on the protected natural area of Community interest, taking into account its conservation objectives.

Site Report

The Site Report is a documentation developed with view to obtaining the Integrated Environmental Authorisation (IEA) of industrial sites. The purpose of the Site Report is to describe the site condition and the level of onsite contamination existing before installing the equipment subjected to authorisation. Moreover, the study represents a benchmark document for a future moment when the site operations are closed down.

Environmental Assessment I & II

The Environmental Assessment (EA) is a technical analysis carried out according to the applicable Romanian environmental legislation in order to identify the causes and consequences of past, present and estimated cumulative negative impacts generated by an activity upon the environmental factors of a property. The purpose of the study is to develop an independent professional opinion about the environmental condition of the respective property. In case the identified environmental impact is significant, this study is completed with a risk assessment.

Presentation Sheet and Declaration

The presentation and declaration form is a mandatory component of the dossier to be submitted by the holder of the activity in order to obtain or renew the Environmental Permit.

AGA Technical Documentation

The activity of elaboration of studies, projects, execution works, consultancy in the field of water management and technical documentation for obtaining water management permits and authorizations can only be done by specialized units certified by the specialized ministry.

Wastewater Collection Agreement

The technical documentation necessary for obtaining the Wastewater Discharge Permit for a site is developed in compliance with the current requirements of the sewerage services company.

The Presentation Memorandum

The Presentation Memorandum is the technical documentation prepared in order to obtain the Environmental Agreement for public and private projects.

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