The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report is the documentation produced as part of the environmental consent procedure for public or private projects.
For public or private projects for which the competent environmental authorities decide that an Environmental Impact Assessment is necessary, according to the legal procedural steps (Law 292/2018 on the assessment of the impact of certain public projects), the drafting of the EIA Report must comply with the content requirements specified by the legislation in force (Order no. 269/2020 regarding the approval of the general guide applicable to the stages of the environmental impact assessment procedure, the guide for environmental impact assessment in a cross-border context and other specific guidelines for different fields and categories of projects) as well as the requirements specified in the guidelines prepared by the authority regarding the aspects to be dealt with and the degree of detail.
The EIA Report is subject to comments from the interested public, whose proposals/recommendations are taken into account at the quality review stage.
Also, as part of the impact assessment procedure for investment projects, AUDITECO can draw up the "Presentation Memorandum" requested from the project holder at the initial stage of the assessment procedure.
According to the provisions of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 195/2005 on environmental protection, approved with its modifications and completions by Law no. 292/ 2018 regarding the assessment of the impact of certain public and private projects on the environment, AUDITECO is certified to develop these type of environmental studies.