In its unique approach, AUDITECO is committed to providing comprehensive and customized water management solutions, carefully addressing key issues related to the conservation and efficient use of water resources. With a team of dedicated experts and extensive experience in the field, AUDITECO is a trusted partner for organisations in various industries, helping them to optimise their water-related processes in a sustainable way.
Water Management
Pentru a asigura utilizarea responsabilă a resurselor de apă, AUDITECO implementează strategii de management al apei, începând cu evaluarea detaliată a necesităților și resurselor disponibile pentru fiecare client. Prin aplicarea celor mai bune practici și tehnologii avansate, ne asigurăm că apa este utilizată în mod eficient în procesele de producție. Astfel, clienții noștri obțin beneficii semnificative din reducerea costurilor legate de apă și energie, ceea ce contribuie la îmbunătățirea sustenabilității operaționale.
Wastewater management
Proper wastewater management is essential for environmental protection and compliance with local and international regulations. AUDITECO develops customized solutions for wastewater treatment and disposal, ensuring that pollutant concentrations are reduced to acceptable levels prior to discharge.
This approach not only protects the environment, but can also bring significant cost savings for our customers by minimising pollution charges and legal risks.
Water management - European principles and regulations
AUDITECO is always up to date with the latest European regulations and standards in the field of water management. We work closely with our customers to ensure that their operations comply with the rules and to avoid possible fines and penalties.
We also promote sustainability concepts in all aspects of our water management services, thereby contributing to the social responsibility and reputation of our customers.
AUDITECO services in water management
Our company offers comprehensive water management services tailored to the specific needs of each client. We are committed to promoting sustainable development, operational efficiency and regulatory compliance, thereby contributing to the success and social responsibility of our partner organisations.
With AUDITECO, you can trust that water management will no longer be a concern, but an opportunity to create value and sustainability in your business.
Resilience against climate change
A crucial aspect of water management promoted by AUDITECO is adaptability to climate change. With rising temperatures and increasingly unpredictable weather patterns, increasing pressure is being put on water resources. Companies need to be prepared for challenges such as prolonged droughts and floods. AUDITECO provides advanced solutions for risk assessment and developing climate resilience strategies, helping clients adapt to these evolving realities.
AUDITECO proposes a water management system analysis focused on:
- Development of a qualitative and quantitative water system assessment in order to identify the most appropriate measures for improving the water management with the purpose of saving resources and reducing the pollutant concentration rates in the discharged wastewater;
- Technical and economical assessment of the alternatives for improving the company's water management;
- Development of the technical documentation necessary for obtaining the Wastewater Discharge Permit;
- Development of the technical documentation necessary for obtaining the Water Management Permit/Authorisation.
- Hydrogeological studies.