Client: Real-estate developer, Romania
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Sector: Real Estate
AUDITECO was retained by a leading international real-estate developer to provide integrated site investigation, technical design and site remediation services at a former industrial site located in Bucharest, Romania.
The site had been demolished and had a long operation history, and was intended for redevelopment as an office and residential compound. Intrusive environmental investigations at the site revealed exceedances of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil and metals such as lead and copper in several affected areas; subsoil investigation and risk assessment reports were submitted to local authorities. AUDITECO used comprehensive field data on soil quality to map contaminated areas and depth and prepare a site clean-up plan in coordination with extensive excavation works for the foreseen site redevelopment.
Our contribution to the site investigation and clean-up works extended over more than a year. The clean-up process consisted of gradual sampling of excavated contaminated material to assess disposal solutions to permitted off-site treatment or disposal facilities. A temporary on-site concrete platform with leachate collection and oil separator was designed and built as a buffer to allow for the gradual handling of excavated soil from affected areas. Complete removal of contaminated material was achieved in areas overlapping future constructions; a particular risk-based approach consisting of soil capping was applied locally in areas not intended for development and where only shallow excavations were performed.
Project deliverables included the preparation of interim reports and a comprehensive final report to describe achieved site clean-up objectives. Project deliverables included the preparation of interim reports and a comprehensive final report to describe achieved site clean-up objectives.