Environmental consulting is a field dealing with the assessment and management of the impact of human activities on the environment. A firm specialized in environmental consulting offers such services to companies in the economic environment, but also to other types of organizations and institutions, supporting them in identifying problems and providing appropriate solutions for compliance with all legal requirements in the field.
Importanta consultantei pe probleme de protectia mediului
Consultanta pe probleme de mediu este un serviciu complex, la care organizatiile apeleaza cu scopul de a evalua sistematic si a documenta periodic impactul pe care activitatile lor il au asupra mediului. Aceste evaluari includ atat analiza managementului si practicilor organizationale, cat si infrastructura si echipamentele utilizate, pentru a determina in ce masura acestea respecta cerintele de asigurare a securitatii mediului. In esenta, consultantul de mediu are rolul de a identifica riscurile de mediu si de a propune solutii eficiente pentru minimizarea acestora.
Who needs environmental consultancy?
Environmental consultancy services are needed for a wide range of beneficiaries, from companies in different industrial sectors (mainly mining, infrastructure, renewable energies, si administratori de arii protejate), pana la institutii publice.
In Romania, according to Romanian law, any company must ensure that it carries out its activities with a minimal impact on the environment, which means either hiring an environmental specialist or working with a firm specializing in environmental consulting.
Environmental consultants, due to the specific nature of their activity, need to be well informed and have a thorough understanding of the different types of industries and their impact on the environment. They also frequently liaise with environmental regulators, in particular environmental protection regulators (ANPM, AFM, Ministry of Environment, Romanian Waters), waste collectors, waste transfer organizations, liability transfer organizations, environmental monitoring laboratories and other relevant organizations, to ensure that the proposed solutions are in compliance with the legislation in force.
Types of environmental consultancy
This type of consultancy can be divided into two main categories: consultancy for compliance with environmental legislation and technical consultancy for process optimization.
1. Consulting for compliance with environmental legislation
This category includes the elaboration of environmental studies necessary to obtain various permits and authorizations. Examples of such studies include:
- Environmental Report (ER) and Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIR): These are essential to assess the potential environmental impact of a project;
- Environmental Balance (EB): An assessment of the existing environmental situation, especially necessary if a site is suspected of contamination;
- Site Report (SR) and Safety Report (SR): Documents that assess the risks associated with the location of a project and the measures necessary to ensure safety.
2. Technical consultancy for process optimization
Technical consultancy focuses on finding solutions to reduce the negative impact of a company's activities on the environment and to increase process efficiency. These include:
- Waste management: Implementation of effective practices to reduce and recycle waste generated.
- Chemicals Management: Assess and control the use of hazardous substances to minimize the risks associated with them.
- Implementation of environmental management systems: Helping companies to implement and certify management systems according to ISO 14001.
Environmental consulting has a well-established role in ensuring compliance with environmental legislation and minimizing the negative impact of human activities on the environment. Firms that call on environmental consultancy services benefit from the expertise needed to operate in a sustainable and responsible way.
Regardless of the field in which it operates, every company should consider working with a firm specializing in environmental consulting to ensure that it complies with current regulations and minimizes its environmental impact. With more than 28 years of experience, AUDITECO is one of the most important companies, 100% Romanian, on the environmental consulting services market, with complex projects at national level and collaborations in large international projects, with hundreds of audits and compliance and authorization studies performed for clients from various industries in Romania.