
Phase I and II Environmental Assessment

The Environmental Assessment (EA) is a technical analysis carried out according to the applicable Romanian environmental legislation in order to identify the causes and consequences of past, present and estimated cumulative negative impacts generated by an activity upon the environmental factors of a property. The purpose of the study is to develop an independent professional opinion about the environmental condition of the respective property. In case the identified environmental impact is significant, this study is completed with a risk assessment.

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Site Report

The Site Report is a documentation developed with view to obtaining the Integrated Environmental Authorisation (IEA) of industrial sites. The purpose of the Site Report is to describe the site condition and the level of onsite contamination existing before installing the equipment subjected to authorisation. Moreover, the study represents a benchmark document for a future moment when the site operations are closed down.

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Safety Report

The Safety Report is a technical documentation that is developed specifically for industrial companies that use dangerous chemicals as defined in the applicable legislation on the control of activities that may generate major industrial accidents involving dangerous substances.

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Environmental Report

Raportul de mediu reprezinta o parte a documentatiei planurilor sau programelor care identifica, descrie si evalueaza efectele posibile semnificative asupra mediului ca urmare a aplicarii acestora si se realizeaza în cadrul procedurii complete de evaluare de mediu, care are drept scop obtinerea avizului de mediu pentru planuri si programe.

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Appropriate Assessment

Orice plan sau proiect care ar putea afecta in mod semnificativ o arie naturala protejata, singur sau in combinatie cu alte planuri ori proiecte, este supus unei evaluari adecvate (EA) a efectelor potentiale asupra ariei naturale protejate de interes comunitar, avându-se în vedere obiectivele de conservare a acesteia.

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Technical Documentation for Obtaining the
Water Management Approval and Water Management Permit

Activitatea de elaborare de studii, proiecte, lucrari de executie, consultanta în domeniul gospodaririi apelor si documentatii tehnice pentru obtinerea avizelor si autorizatiilor de gospodarire a apelor se poate face numai de unitati specializate certificate de ministerul de specialitate.

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